Save money and time so that you can make the most of your visit

1-Lunch is always cheaper than dinner, even at Michelin star restos. Most restos will do sets complete with desert options/bentos. Don’t fight it, just go with what appeals the most to you.

2-Buy the 24hr metro ticket when you plan a full day. It’s the best 600 JPN you will spend and you can use it anywhere/all lines on the Tokyo Metro.

3-The trains end early (11.30pm), so check for last trains to your area when staying out late.

4-Everything in Japan functions in seasons, so there is a season to climb Mt. Fuji (summer), there is the rainy season. So choose wisely when planning your trip. Best times are spring (early March) and fall (Sept). Winter is wet and summer is stiflingly humid.

5- Day trips out of the city are definitely a good idea. The trains are easy to manage and the distances are reasonable (not more than 1.5 hrs)

6-Buy the Japan Rail pass (JR Pass) before you fly into the country. Bring your passport when activating it. Get it activated at Tokyo Station. It will work on JR Lines only, but they are far reaching.

7- The old fish market is still operational and has good restos with sushi and ramen, the new one in Toyosu now has the auction.

8- Most bullet trains (Shinkansens) run every 7 minutes, so you can get a ticket at the station. Again look for packages, they are usually cheaper and offer more value.

9-Fireworks (Hananbi) are in the summer and are spectacular, lasting 60 mins and more.

10-Know your subway exit number e.g A7. It can make the difference between right where you need to be vs. walking half a mile.